Tuesday 14 November 2017

Sunday 12 November 2017

Film Review: First Draft and Feedback

Here is my first attempt at the film review. There were some positives as well as negatives that I needed to change to allow for the best final review.

Here is the first draft:

After my feedback, I had a lot of improvements to make. Firstly the biggest problem. My review, wasn't very focused on reviewing the film, it more so gave an overview of what happens throughout. So most of the text had to be rewritten so that it captures my opinion as the feedback recommends. 

Another less significant problem was the picture caption. It was taking up mots of the left third of the page and it shouldn't have been a caption. Rather a pool quote which summarises the review in a sharp line/quote. Therefore this was added and the caption was shrunk and moved into the lower right fifth of the picture (hadn't been taken yet).

The date issue and page number were too large so were also shrunk. In the issue of empire black lines are used to underline/ separate the top information from the review itself. 

Now the minor the layout needed to have at least a 0.5mm band all the way around, as well as having everything in line as opposed to scattered like I did. 

Finally I have to add the page number very small at the bottom alongside the name of the magazine, 'Empire' and the issue date of the magazine.

These are all of the different changes I need to make to create my final and best review. 

Monday 6 November 2017

Film Review: Layout Research

After our film we needed a film review. For this we had to research different film review magazines and then considering all aspects such as font, layout and formality we will make a film review using the best suited magazine as a template.


These were the most appealing designs and magazines that suited my writing style and form of writing, in a more informal style. Therefore I have chosen to research these three magazines to come to the conclusion on which will be the best one to use for my film review.

Firstly is SFX. This magazine utilises a very scrambled design with pictures scattered, with text surrounding them. The articles are numbered and highlighted so the reader can follow what film and picture is being talked about. The writing itself if informal and addresses the general vibe of the film rather than going into depth about the exact production techniques used. The pictures used are also large and capture a moment of significance or a main character further intriguing the reader.  SFX also utilises a superhero/ hero sub genre throughout to maintain interest.

Next is Empire. Empire has a more formal layout than SFX with column writing with a chain of photos through the middle, more like a new article. The pictures appear in a circular form also capturing important pictures. The titles are in bold and are used at the top of the page. The writing itself however isn't very formal and still just highlights the overall film and its intentions rather than micro elements. 

Finally is Total Film. Total Film utilises a few large pictures within the top half of the page followed by columns of text bellow. There is also a pool quote within the centre of the left page, this is to attract the reader further by referencing the film or other films that would cause interest. Finally there is a insert on the right side, this can be sued to fill space, but very lightly talks about other films that may have relevance to the main talk point.

Overall I shall be choosing Empire to use as my layout for the film review. I have chosen Empire as they have a simple layout that's easy to follow and whilst also having informal text about the topic. I havent chosen SFX as they have a superhero sub genre which my film doesn't apply to and I haven't chosen Total Film not because of its poor layout, but because Empire has a better aesthetic.

Sunday 5 November 2017

Poster: Final Design

Here is my final design poster I shall use for the film.

I considered the feedback and made my adjustments to the best suited design. I changed the title to 'Take Notice' as it was the least cliche and I also took the font used as it best suited the drama genre. I also added the institution credits and the social media logos. 

Saturday 4 November 2017

Poster: Draft Feedback

After my poster creations I was given feedback on what to improve, remove and keep with my design  and overall what one to develop. 

 The overall consensus of the posters is that I had good picture manipulation from the original picture I took. However I did have to add institution credits  as well as social media icons to take up some room. The best poster that was voted on was the corridor poster as it best resembles my research, the only alteration was that I had to change the position from the bottom to the top and change the font to the second posters font as it had a more drama theme.

Friday 3 November 2017

Poster: First Drafts

Here are my first attempts in making the posters for the film.

Poster: Research

To ensure that I created the most realistic poster possible I had to research other short film posters to ensure that my poster is the best it could be. 

Here is a variety of short film posters that I will analyse to see what and what not to include in the poster:

In this 'NAVIS' design there resides the title at the top. This in a unique font with a smaller narrative outline underneath in smaller writing. There is the main subject/ area of attention in the centre, a woman with flames behind her, making the woman very visible. At the bottom social media icons are also seen to indicate where information about the film can be found as well as the institution credits to show who was involved in the production of the film. One other stand out factor from the others that this poster is landscape and the others are portrait. 

For the second poster 'LOGAN', the subject/ protagonist is in the centre of the poster. This time the title resides in the bottom sector of the poster. Underneath this once again the institution credits and this time the website in which information and the film itself can be viewed. The only text at the top is producer of the film, however this is only relevant if a well know actor/ producer/ director is used so in our case this wont be necessary.

In the final poster 'CHIEF', once again the subject of interest is in the centre middle with no other elements around it, the title follows the first poster by being placed at the top. This poster has awards at the bottom of the screen which could be used for space filling. Finally as the same for all of the posters, institution credits are present at the very bottom. 

To conclude, for the best poster, I will utilise the portrait style with the title at the top. I will also try and have the subject of interest in the centre as well as the institution credits at the bottom. In addition I may add social media icons or awards. 

Thursday 2 November 2017

Film Draft: Additional Content

After our feedback we decided that it was key to have a audio clip of Harry over the top of the action to express the emotion and context behind his actions. We also decided to add a scene at the end which reveals Harry speaking to what appears to be a police officer interrogating him. It reveals that Harry had committed an act of terrorism, and was unravelling how he came to the stage where  he thought it was necessary to act.

First potential script for voice over.

I was just like everyone else: A teenager; School; Exams; Studying; I had a future. I’ve always wanted to be popular, but I wasn’t. I guess I was ‘too nice’ to be hung around with? Some might say nerdy, I dunno. I couldn’t understand why nobody liked me? Why no one spoke to me?

Since my Dad's passing,everyone just disappeared, they didn’t ‘Take Notice’ of me. My Mum certainly doesn’t - she slipped into the same monotonous cycle of an empty existence that I feel. Video games keep me entertained as a way in which I can unwind - there’s nothing else to do, except extend my personality and life in the form of HD pixels. Here I was occupied, entertained, I could take my frustration out with no consequence.

School time meant I had to fall back into a reality of routine disappointment, where I felt I lived separate from others, as some sort of freak show at which they could look out at an wonder… I wonder - why was I so rejected? I hated them for it.

I always dreaded school time. Friends that I once had are just a distant memory, forgotten along with the boy I was before dad went. I said I changed - maybe they think I’m strange because I like to stay organised; or wear my hair differently now. People don’t understand how much it can affect you when you’re constantly being given a hard time. Little gestures matter. Daily life was lonely. It was a struggle. Ergh. It was the same old really.

I had been speaking to Amid for a while now. I signed up to a chat website to make some friends. To make some company. Anybody I really didn’t mind. He was nice to me. He was online as anonymous and he told me his real name. I trusted him. He had no reason to lie to me, I had nobody to tell… We messaged each other every day.  He asked me how my day was and I asked him. He seemed to care.

He didn’t have the issues I have anymore, but he used to. He told me eventually how he overcame it all. The pain, the isolation, the self-hatred. He began to fit into a group which society rejected, like me. He was taken in by those who nobody else wanted to and amongst themselves they made a brotherhood. He told me how his life had improved. He was enlightened. He was so relatable. He had experienced everything  I was and more. Amid improved his life and encouraged me to do the same for myself. How couldn’t I be inspired when I understood just how peaceful and happy Amid was, which he never imagined he would have been. He was my friend. I honestly believed he wanted the best for me.

I didn’t quite understand what he was asking me to do, but I would have done anything to be like Amid. I admired him. He was my one and only real friend. And I truly believed we would be friends for life. I didn’t know what Amid meant when he told me of his brotherhood. But I wanted to be a part of it. I wanted to belong somewhere. They revolted against society by becoming one, which I admired.

Obviously I didn’t understand what Amid meant by this.. I thought they revolted by coming together as society desired their separation. Society wanted us to be alone. I wanted to be a part of Amid’s brotherhood no matter what it took. He told me they was all excited to meet me and I couldn’t wait to meet them. They told me to meet at London Bridge and the rest would be revealed then. I didn’t know what i was getting into. And now I’m here...

Final Film Draft 1 and Feedback

Our first compilation of the film. 

Feedback on our first attempt:

The film needed more sound that would create more of an atmosphere throughout the entirety of the film.
However the film does jump around from location to location without a smooth transition, breaking continuity for the drama genre which is detrimental and needs to be fixed.
The final issue with our film was the lack of context behind what he does throughout the entire film. Therefore one piece of feedback was that we needed to add a voice clip with a scene at the end which reveals the context behind his actions, but also creates an enigma until the end of the film.