Thursday 2 November 2017

Film Draft: Additional Content

After our feedback we decided that it was key to have a audio clip of Harry over the top of the action to express the emotion and context behind his actions. We also decided to add a scene at the end which reveals Harry speaking to what appears to be a police officer interrogating him. It reveals that Harry had committed an act of terrorism, and was unravelling how he came to the stage where  he thought it was necessary to act.

First potential script for voice over.

I was just like everyone else: A teenager; School; Exams; Studying; I had a future. I’ve always wanted to be popular, but I wasn’t. I guess I was ‘too nice’ to be hung around with? Some might say nerdy, I dunno. I couldn’t understand why nobody liked me? Why no one spoke to me?

Since my Dad's passing,everyone just disappeared, they didn’t ‘Take Notice’ of me. My Mum certainly doesn’t - she slipped into the same monotonous cycle of an empty existence that I feel. Video games keep me entertained as a way in which I can unwind - there’s nothing else to do, except extend my personality and life in the form of HD pixels. Here I was occupied, entertained, I could take my frustration out with no consequence.

School time meant I had to fall back into a reality of routine disappointment, where I felt I lived separate from others, as some sort of freak show at which they could look out at an wonder… I wonder - why was I so rejected? I hated them for it.

I always dreaded school time. Friends that I once had are just a distant memory, forgotten along with the boy I was before dad went. I said I changed - maybe they think I’m strange because I like to stay organised; or wear my hair differently now. People don’t understand how much it can affect you when you’re constantly being given a hard time. Little gestures matter. Daily life was lonely. It was a struggle. Ergh. It was the same old really.

I had been speaking to Amid for a while now. I signed up to a chat website to make some friends. To make some company. Anybody I really didn’t mind. He was nice to me. He was online as anonymous and he told me his real name. I trusted him. He had no reason to lie to me, I had nobody to tell… We messaged each other every day.  He asked me how my day was and I asked him. He seemed to care.

He didn’t have the issues I have anymore, but he used to. He told me eventually how he overcame it all. The pain, the isolation, the self-hatred. He began to fit into a group which society rejected, like me. He was taken in by those who nobody else wanted to and amongst themselves they made a brotherhood. He told me how his life had improved. He was enlightened. He was so relatable. He had experienced everything  I was and more. Amid improved his life and encouraged me to do the same for myself. How couldn’t I be inspired when I understood just how peaceful and happy Amid was, which he never imagined he would have been. He was my friend. I honestly believed he wanted the best for me.

I didn’t quite understand what he was asking me to do, but I would have done anything to be like Amid. I admired him. He was my one and only real friend. And I truly believed we would be friends for life. I didn’t know what Amid meant when he told me of his brotherhood. But I wanted to be a part of it. I wanted to belong somewhere. They revolted against society by becoming one, which I admired.

Obviously I didn’t understand what Amid meant by this.. I thought they revolted by coming together as society desired their separation. Society wanted us to be alone. I wanted to be a part of Amid’s brotherhood no matter what it took. He told me they was all excited to meet me and I couldn’t wait to meet them. They told me to meet at London Bridge and the rest would be revealed then. I didn’t know what i was getting into. And now I’m here...

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