Friday 3 November 2017

Poster: Research

To ensure that I created the most realistic poster possible I had to research other short film posters to ensure that my poster is the best it could be. 

Here is a variety of short film posters that I will analyse to see what and what not to include in the poster:

In this 'NAVIS' design there resides the title at the top. This in a unique font with a smaller narrative outline underneath in smaller writing. There is the main subject/ area of attention in the centre, a woman with flames behind her, making the woman very visible. At the bottom social media icons are also seen to indicate where information about the film can be found as well as the institution credits to show who was involved in the production of the film. One other stand out factor from the others that this poster is landscape and the others are portrait. 

For the second poster 'LOGAN', the subject/ protagonist is in the centre of the poster. This time the title resides in the bottom sector of the poster. Underneath this once again the institution credits and this time the website in which information and the film itself can be viewed. The only text at the top is producer of the film, however this is only relevant if a well know actor/ producer/ director is used so in our case this wont be necessary.

In the final poster 'CHIEF', once again the subject of interest is in the centre middle with no other elements around it, the title follows the first poster by being placed at the top. This poster has awards at the bottom of the screen which could be used for space filling. Finally as the same for all of the posters, institution credits are present at the very bottom. 

To conclude, for the best poster, I will utilise the portrait style with the title at the top. I will also try and have the subject of interest in the centre as well as the institution credits at the bottom. In addition I may add social media icons or awards. 

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