Friday 8 September 2017

Macro Elements: Narrative Theory

Story line
There are two types of story line linear and non-linear. Linear starts at the beginning moves to the middle and climax and finishes with the end. However non-linear, doesn't have to start at the start and can jump around the timeline. However for both of them the events that take place throughout forward the story.  

Todorovs Narrative Theory
1. Todorovs narrative theory has 5 steps. Firstly is the equilibrium. This is where Todorov states the narrative is at a steady casual pace with no good or bad elements, e.g everyone is happy. 
2. This is then followed by the disruption. This is where the equilibrium is broken and a 'dilemma' is found which typically is something of a bad nature, e.g. a dead person is found. 
3. After the disruption, there is the realisation. This stage is where the causation of the disruption is found, e.g. a killer. 
4. Then perused by the repair which is where the equilibrium is attempted to be fixed to its original state once more, e.g. arresting the killer. 
5. Which is topped of by the final stage of return to equilibrium, where the equilibrium is restored to its original state, e.g. the killer finally arrested. 

Barthes Narrative Theory
Barthe states that text comes in two fashions closed and open text. Open text, is where the text has to be 'unravelled' and because of this can can have several meanings, leaving the audience to figure out which one applies. Closed meaning however is when the text has one obvious meaning that has no other possible connotations.
Barthes also narrowed down 'text' into 5 codes, which are woven into any narrative.
Firstly, Hermeneutic Code which is where the story avoids revealing facts, instead dropping clues and leaving a mystery for the audience.
Secondly, Enigma/Proairetic Code which builds tension and leaves the audience guessing
Thirdly, Semantic Code which points at an element of text that may have an additional meaning to what the narrative suggests.
Fourthly, Symbolic Code which like semantic code shows a wider meaning, however symbolic also contrasts opposites within the text and a new meaning arises.
Finally, Cultural Code which refers to anything that is established knowledge such as history, science or culture, and is assumed as the truth.

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