Thursday 7 September 2017

Initial Ideas

After watching and studying short films, me and my group have come up with three potential different ideas that we could make, which will be narrowed down to one, which will be the best suited for the coursework. 

Idea 1: Devotions Destiny

For this idea we decided to choose romance. The narrative will be about a man who goes travelling or serves in the army and when he returns he comes back to his partner with a ring and flowers, however he is then met by another man who stands in his house. She notices him as he turns and runs, he then spends the next many days looking over his past photos and memories of his wife, later that week before he decides to leave for a new life, whilst having breakfast he locks eyes with another woman.

We have chosen this narrative as it is flexible as to where we shoot the film as well as how we can bend the narrative. The message is overall positive and the narrative is based on a common topic, which would be understood by most.

However we have not chose this as our final film idea as we believe ti will be too hard to make the character relatable as well as make the viewers sympathise for him after he gets dumped.

Idea 2: Short Fuse
(Reality/ Thriller)

For this idea we have run with a realistic type thriller The narrative follows a boy Harry Cloude, who is bullied at school and is isolated constantly, he sits at home and talks to strangers on a chat site. However one day he is met by a stranger who appears friendly to Harry. The stranger talks to Harry about a community that will accept him as they are like him. Harry is interested and after another bullying incident, Harry reluctantly wants to be involved into the mysterious community. This is where he is introduced to the radicalists. And due to his desire to be accepted into society, he does whatever the anonymous user asks.

As the narrative follows a hot topic in today's time, terrorism, people will be intrigued and drawn to the film, overall the film also provides a lesson for younger age groups, that bullying only ever leads to something worse, and they can stop it before it happens.

We have chosen this idea to pursue as it has a strong narrative and a purpose, as well as being a hot topic of talk in current society, which also provides a positive message that anyone could be a radicalist.

Idea 3: The One That Turned

The narrative follows a boy Richie who grows up in a poor family, surrounded by gang culture, who run businesses scattered throughout the town. Richie as a child was told to stay away from the criminal world, however when in his teenage years he couldn't stand being in the financial rut that his family was in. He began to rob stores all across the town and got good at it. He even robbed stores owned by the gangsters. Where one day the gangsters predict his next hit on a store and intercept him. To save his life he must complete a task, of simply dropping a case into another gangs territory grounds. Due to his expertise in robbery, he manages to get in unscathed, however when he drops the case he texts the gangsters to say he completed the mission, and is double crossed as the case is a bomb that then takes out the rival gang and Richie as well.

We have not chosen this film as our final idea as we believe compared to the other ideas the narrative isn't strong enough and certain aspects could have been avoided. Also we have agreed that some scenes are too hard to film such as the explosion as well as robbing a store.

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